Thursday, 1 October 2015

You heard comments and maybe grievances from your seniors about Critical Literacy, but what is/are your expectation(s) or hope for this subject as you are just started.

Assalammualaikum w.b.t. and good day guys~~~
Attention!!! This is my first entry ever. I will talk about Critical Literacy or “CL” according from the task given. Let’s study first about it, OK!! Critical Literacy is an instructional approach, stemming from Marxist critical pedagogy that advocates the adoption of “critical” perspectives toward text. So in others word it will encourages readers to actively analyse texts and offers strategies for what proponents describe as uncovering underlying massages.

What in your mind when you heard about this subject “Critical Literacy”?  Could it be just a word or something deeper than that? As for me, I think it is something deeper that just a subject because the name itself pictured a mystery feeling and seem to be something requires higher density of thinking. Before this, honestly I never know about “Critical Literacy” but then I discover about it as I entered semester 4. 
As I heard “Critical Literacy” was one of my subject this semester, I felt so curious since a lot of seniors that I knew kept on talking about this “hardcore” subject which actually made me be a bit nervous to face it. At first, I did felt the difficulty that been talked about but still I accept the obstacle as one of my learning process. Seniors did mention it is a tough subject and I also did think so. Firstly, I hope that this subject can improve my English because I am an English student especially involved my vocabulary.
Moreover, I want to learn something new and challenging because as I mentioned before that it will be one of learning process and I believe it could mature my knowledge. The word “critical” itself actually expect me to learn something that out of box as well as make my brain explore in bigger “space” where I can discover something that I will not be expected from a particular text. Literacy made me think about text or phrases that may contain others different meaning behind it that could wider the way I will think in the future. I also expect that “Critical Literacy” could give me benefits in my daily life because somehow I did think it actually will be apply in every second of our life since I believed that every action that we take will incorporate the way we think and how we will make a decision about it.

Since it is a subject in my semester 4, I been hoping that I could gain an A and in others way could help me to have a better pointer for this semester. Thus, “Critical literacy” is a famous subject to be learned as it will give exciting feeling in the way to learn further about it.

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